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Women: Your Guide to the Perfect Online Dating Profile!

So you’ve decided that it’s time to take back control of your love life. Congratulations! One in three new UK relationships is now started online, and more and more over 50 and over 60 daters are finding out that online dating is fun, safe and incredibly rewarding. On the other side of that door are hundreds of thousands of likeminded, single individuals looking to meet people just like you. Now, all you’ve got to do is fill out that profile.

It’s a part of online dating that very few of us look forward to, but it doesn’t have to be as painful as it seems. In fact, writing your online dating profile can be a fun way to learn what’s really important about yourself. Here at Maturity Dating, we want you to have the best chance of finding that special somebody online, and so we’ve put together our top tips for writing the perfect online dating profile. So, let’s dig in.

  • Stay approachable

For all the freedom that online dating offers, it can still make you nervous from time to time. Drafting that opening ‘hello’ message still turns butterflies loose in your stomach, and if your profile comes off as overly unknowable, it can put potential matches off entirely. We all know the benefits of a little mystique, but don’t let that cross over into unapproachability.

  • Upload recent pictures

As mature daters, many of us aren’t as pleased with the way we look as we used to be. It’s not that we’re any less beautiful, it’s just that we no longer feel that we line up to the common narrative of beauty. Because of all that, many of us just aren’t comfortable uploading pictures of ourselves to the internet. With online dating though, it’s absolutely crucial. Most people won’t click through to a profile without a profile picture, and many more won’t send a message without knowing what you look like. So do yourself a favour and upload a few pictures of yourself, ensuring that they’re recent and show you in a happy light.

  • Be a storyteller, not a list maker

It’s time to stop treating your online dating profile like a CV. Talking about yourself might be uncomfortable, but nobody likes to read a long list of things that another person likes. Instead of that, tell a story. Go through a regular day for you, a story from a recent weekend or describe the kind of person who’d light your fire. Not only does it help potential matches get to know you better, but also better understand your own needs and requirements.

  • Keep it light, keep it fun

Ever been on a date where the person sat opposite you spends the entire evening talking about the bad experiences they’ve had in previous relationships and how disillusioned they are? Well then, you’ll know exactly how off-putting that can be, so why do it in your online dating profile? Bad dating experiences might have convinced you to give Maturity Dating a go, but don’t let those experiences define you. You catch more flies with honey, and you’ll make more matches with a few jokes.

  • Get advice from friends

The days of being embarrassed about your online dating profile are a thing of the past, but still many of us are reluctant to let our friends look over our profile. Here at Maturity Dating, we always recommend that you let your friends in on the fun. The advice you get from friends and their opinions can really help bring out the best in your profile, or at the very least avoid an embarrassing typo. Studies have shown that good grammar is amongst the most important things for online daters, so making sure that’s right can be very important.

  • Don’t lie, be yourself

Because of the way the Internet obscures our physical self during conversations, some of us feel like we can get away with little white lies. Well, I’m here to tell you that you won’t. Finding love online is all about trust, and if you’re found out for lying about one thing, how can your match believe anything else you say? Ultimately, they’re going to fall in love with you, so where’s the mileage in lying now? Be yourself always, and you’ll be amazed at just how attractive that it to people.

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