How do you tell if a 40 year old man likes you?
A man in his 40s isn’t going to act fundamentally different from a man in his 20s or 30s if he likes you. The only

The World’s most eligible men and women (bachelors and bachelorettes)
The bachelors and bachelorettes of this world are plentiful and finding love only requires being in the right place at the right time. You aren’t

Why Are Well-Educated Women Struggling to Find Love?
The modern world and the influences of technology (social media in particular) have shifted expectations and norms when it comes to dating. Awin. And while

Does Love at First Sight Really Exist?
It’s easy to dismiss the idea of ‘love at first sight’, especially if you already have a heartbreak or two under your belt. But it

New to over 40 dating? Don’t Miss These Tips!
Getting a handle on your love life and joining an online dating website can be incredibly exciting, but it can also be more than a little daunting.

Dating Holidays Discussed
Singles holidays might sound awkward, but in reality, so many people go on them you have a good chance of meeting people out there who

How dating for the over 40s has evolved
The modern dating space can be traced back to 1994 when the first modern dating website was launched. You may remember the name – Kiss.com.

Why do some people prefer hooking up?
While many people out there are looking for a long term romantic relationship, there are also plenty of singles across the UK and beyond who

Honeymooning in your 40s – Corsica is an unexpected yet delightful choice
Once you’re in your 40s, you have likely travelled to many of the places on your ‘bucket list’ and you know what you like. While

How to make a great first impression on a date
Going on a first date can be a nerve-wracking experience; it can be hard to know what to say and do in order to make

The Nicest Ways to Break Off a Relationship
Breaking up with someone is always going to be painful. One or both parties are sure to have their feelings hurt, and likely even have

Dating in 2019
Back in 1840, the average life expectancy for a man was just 40 years old. For a woman? Well, she could look forward to a