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fall in love over 50

Success Stories, Part Two.

Anyone can fall in love, or so the song goes. However, for mature daters like us it can be much harder than we remember. That’s why we set up Maturity Dating as one of the leading online senior dating agencies in the UK. Over the years we’ve brought together countless happy couples, and once again we’re delighted to bring you three more stories. Don’t forget to check our part one of our success stories, either!

So, without further to do, let’s find out how love blossomed in three more mature couples.

Sandra and Jake.

Thank you Maturity Dating! Without you I never would have met my dreamboat fiancé Jake!

My marriage had been failing for a long time, so when I finally left my husband in 2010, I was ready and raring to meet the new man of my dreams. A good friend recommended online dating, and so one night – me, my mate and a few drinks later – ta-da! I had an online dating profile!

It was so exciting scrolling through all the single guys profiles, it was almost addictive!  I got such a rush from all of the attention I was receiving and realised that I was actually quite the catch!

I went on a fair few dates and met some really nice guys. I took each experience with a pinch of salt and had a great time exploring what it was that I, as a woman, really wanted!

I realised pretty quickly that my idea of Prince Charming was not as perfect as I once thought. Looks faded, but a good heart was eternal. A sense of humour was way more interesting than a high-flying suit job, and age means diddly squat!

Jake wasn’t the typical guy I’d go for, but my 8 month online dating experience was teaching me to think outside of the box and be open to different things. My immediate reaction to Jake was our blatant age gap, but his profile picture really captured my attention; it was him skydiving! And so I decided to throw caution to the wind and give his profile a gander.

I quickly learnt that Jake was an extreme thrill seeker with a passion for trying new things and a killer sense of humour. He was so exciting and cheeky, it didn’t take long before we were sharing a candle lit dinner and laughing like old friends. Jake really brought the best out of me and I felt like I could trust him with anything; I’d never met such a grounded, authentic, fun loving gentleman! He spoils me rotten with flowers, poems and cute letters and is forever surprising me; we’ve been on dates to theme parks, white water rafting, tree-top zip-lining; he’s adamant on getting me to bungee jump, but I need a little more persuasion!

We met in 2011 and dated for a year before he asked me to move in with him. I had told Jake in the beginning that I didn’t want to remarry, and he was fine with that as he had two divorces under his belt. However, on February 29th 2016 I couldn’t resist the temptation to surprise him with the ultimate question… and I proposed!

Jake was blown away – I’d finally got him back for all sneaky surprises- but he said yes!

I am now 51 and he is 68. We haven’t set a date yet; we’re just enjoying the moments we have together. Maybe we’ll get married whilst bungee jumping?!

Frank and Grace.

I was completely against joining a dating site in the beginning. I suppose I was a little old fashioned and believed in the stigma attached to finding a partner on the internet. I’d lost my wife to cancer 8 years previously, and although was an active member of the community always out and about playing bowls, ball room dancing and pitching in at the local allotment; I was lonely and missed having that special someone to share life with.

It wasn’t until my son brought his new girlfriend over for dinner that I started to become interested in online dating. I was so surprised that he’d managed to find such a lovely, smart, down to earth girl – on the internet of all places!

But even though I was intrigued, it took a lot of determination to post my profile. I felt embarrassed and ashamed that I couldn’t find a date ‘in real life’ and worried about what people would think. Maybe I should face facts, 63 was too old, right?

Wrong. Oh how happy I am that I swallowed my pride, Grace is the most caring soul. She too had lost her husband to cancer and was hoping for a second chance at love. We spoke a lot on the phone at first and decided to be friends, to keep things simple. But as she spent more and more time accompanying me to bowls, dancing and gardening…and I spent more and more time with her and her little dog, Tyke, taking long walks in the park… we fell truly, madly, deeply for each other.

Grace and I have been sharing our lives for almost two years now, and I feel so lucky. When people ask how we met, I have no shame in telling them that online dating brought us together!

Sue and Harry.

My name is Sue and I met Harry through online dating in 2013. My experience of online dating prior to this was not so successful. I had joined a website in 2009 after I had been divorced for over 5 years and my children were grown up and flown the nest.

The first man I dated seemed perfect; he was kind, funny, well groomed, gentle. We dated for about 6 months and just as we were getting serious *poof* he vanished. This left me feeling very insecure and questioning everything I had ever said and done.

After a couple of months of licking my wounds I decided to get back on the dating train and try again. This time I met a slightly younger gentleman who wooed me poetically with his written words. When I met him in person, I almost collapsed! He was at least 15 years older than his profile picture and the linguistic genius who had been seducing me online seemed to have vanished. I was very disappointed; I felt betrayed.

I continued to receive a string of generic, meaningless messages from men who clearly hadn’t even bothered to read my profile, and I was just about ready to give up on online dating when suddenly – *ding* Message From Harry Received.

I opened the message and was shocked at how long it was! What could he possibly have so much to talk about? I eagerly read and was amazed to find out that not only had he read my profile thoroughly, but we had so much in common.

I could sense his excitement and frantic typing as I read about his own take on my favourite books, his hilarious experiences with cattle (we are both dairy farmers!) why he contested my belief that lasagne was better than spag-bol and so much more. Oh how I literally laughed out loud!

Although I was a little dubious about trusting Harry after my previous experiences with online men, I wiped the slate clean and started communicating with him openly and honestly. Over the last three years we have become an unstoppable team; I don’t know how I ever lived without him! It just goes to show, that yes, internet dating can be tough, and yes, there are a lot of time wasters, but if you keep at it, you will be rewarded. I sure was.


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